Category: Imported Water

With the Earth’s groundwater depleting fast, experts predict that India might also have to depend wholly on imported water by 2050 – thirty years from now. Today, though India is one of the world’s largest exporters of water, there are many Indian households that live and drink only imported water because of the proven quality. For such households – whether Indian or expats – consistent supply of drinkable imported drinkable bottles is crucial for daily living.

At Waters Store, our objective is to help each and every house and office in India procure safe and pure form of drinking water. At our online store, you can buy different forms of packaged drinking water because we are a specialized supplier and seller of this chemical compound that is so very vital for life.

Human body is composed of 60% of water and it requires a constant supply of unadulterated drinkable water to survive. While more than half of our planet is also made up of water molecules, the fact is that only a negligible percentage of this natural resource is fit for human consumption. Of this percentage, there are many parts of our country where typical and traditional channels of water supply are intermittent and irregular. This is why we have started an online portal called Waters Store from where you can order the purest form of drinking water, anytime and from anywhere within the country.

  • We have stocks of different types of packaged water bottles and the imported variety is one of the major categories.
  • Under the imported section, we sell online different brands of international repute. Brands that we feature include Artesian, American Summits, Are Spring, Evian, Hawaiin Springs, Malmberg, ROI, Speyside Glenlivet, Tau and Viva Roca.
  • Affordably priced; you can be sure of getting the best and the lowest deals on imported water at Waters Store.
  • At our store, it is not limited to buying only a limited pack size. Bottles, ranging from 250 ml to as big as 5 liters are available for purchase.
  • Availability of your preferred brand at Waters Store is never an issue. Since we are a specialized packed water reseller, we ensure that our customers never face an ‘out of stock’ situation when shopping at our store.
  • Easy payment and the flexibility to choose your own plan that takes care of your convenience and daily or monthly requirement. No order size is too big for us – so you can relax, estimate and place your order at our online store.
  • Backed with a par excellent delivery network, we ensure you that when you place your order with us, it will be seamlessly processed and water bottles delivered to your mentioned address, irrespective of whether it is a lockdown in the country or other challenging times.

At Waters Store, our duty is to make packed water easily and readily available to our customers so that no one in your family, friends or office is left thirsty or goes to sleep without tasting their favourite brand of imported water.